MLUno API Reference

Data Utilities

Functions for simulating and splitting data.

make_line_data Generate data for linear regression.
make_sine_data Generate data for nonlinear regression.
split_data Split the data into train and test sets.


Classes for regression methods.

KNNRegressor A class used to represent a K-Nearest Neighbors Regressor.
LinearRegressor A class used to represent a Simple Linear Regressor.

Conformal Prediction

Class for conformal prediction.

ConformalPredictor A class used to represent a (Split) Conformal Predictor.


Functions for calculating regression metrics.

rmse Compute the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).
mae Compute the Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
coverage Compute the coverage of the prediction intervals.
sharpness Compute the sharpness of the prediction intervals.


Function for plotting data and predictions.

plot_predictions Plot predictions of a regressor along with the data.