Exercise 1

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to calculate a Bayes’ estimate of \(\theta\). (Use the posterior mean.)

Exercise 2

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to calculate a Bayes’ estimate of \(\theta\). (Use the posterior mean.)

Exercise 3

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to calculate a Bayes’ estimate of \(\theta\). (Use the posterior mean.)

Exercise 4

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to calculate a 99% credible interval

Exercise 5

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to calculate a 90% credible interval

Exercise 6

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to calculate a 95% credible interval

Exercise 7

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to test \(H_0: \theta > 0.50\) vs \(H_1: \theta \leq 0.50\)

Exercise 8

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to test \(H_0: 0.25 < \theta < 0.50\) vs \(H_1: \theta \leq 0.25, \theta \geq 0.50\)

Exercise 9

Consider the following model,

and observed data with statistics,

Use the given prior and the observed data to test \(H_0: \theta > 0.80\) vs \(H_1: \theta \leq 0.80\)