
The data set consists of anthropomorphic data collected on 3,900 children in 1977 for use in consumer product safety studies.


These data are a subset of a dataset that was the result of a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) effort to collect anthropomorphic data on children in the mid-seventies. A total of 87 traditional and functional body measurements were taken on a sample of 4127 infants, children and youths representing the U.S. population aged 2 weeks through 18 years. Measurements were taken throughout the United States by two teams of anthropometrists using an automated anthropometric data acquisition system. Standard anthropometers, calipers, and tape devices were modified to read electronicalfy and input dimensional data directly to a mini-computer for data processing and storage. The goal in collecting such data was to provide guidance in consumer product safety for the design of items that would be utilized by children.

More information can be found here: http://stat.pugetsound.edu/hoard/datasetDetails.aspx?id=10

Data Description

Variable Units Description
id (number) numerical id assigned to each sampled child
mass kilograms mass of child
height centimeters height of child
waist centimeters waist circumference of child
foot centimeters child’s foot length
sittingHeight millimeters sitting height of child
upperLegLength millimeters length of child’s upper leg
kneeHeight millimeters height of child’s knee
forearmLength millimeters length of child’s forearm
age years age of child
gender F (female) or M (male) gender of child
handedness both, left, or right handedness of child
birthOrder (number) child’s numerical ranking by age among siblings (1 being first)
anthro_data = read.table("data/anthrokids.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")

Data Files


We will consider modeling height and weight of children at ages 6 and 18. These data are found in columns 2 and 3 of the data set. The goal is to find a distribution that fits these data well.