
This data set contains times and dates of all Seattle Fire Department 911 dispatches in 2015.


The data were processed from the data available at: https://data.seattle.gov/Public-Safety/Seattle-Real-Time-Fire-911-Calls/kzjm-xkqj which provides Seattle Fire Department 911 dispatches and is updated every 5 minutes. The calls with a time stamp from 2015 are included in this data.

Data Description

Variable Description
Type type of aid request (such as “Aid Response” and “Medic Response”)
Datetime Timestamp of the call
Latitude Latitude of the call’s source
Longitude Longitude of the call’s source
date Date extracted from Timestamp
date_in_days Date converted to an integer from 1 to 365, for convenience
time_of_day_as_fraction Time of day converted to a number from 0 to 1
seattle_911 = read.csv("data/seattle_groupJ_time_of_calls.csv")

Data Files


We will consider the distribution of the times of day when the calls arrive. Are 911 calls uniform across the day and night or do they exhibit some pattern? The goal is to find a distribution that fits the times of day of calls. Note: the variable time_of_day_as_fraction is there for ease – you can compare it to the time in the variable Datetime. The variable time_of_day_as_fraction should be near 0 in the very early morning, near 0.5 at noon, and near 1 in the evening.