
This data set contains data on alcohol consumption per capita across countries in the world.


This data set comes from the World Health Organization via FiveThirtyEight’s Github page, and is discussed in a blog post: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/dear-mona-followup-where-do-people-drink-the-most-beer-wine-and-spirits/

It contains data on average alcohol consumption by country among those 15 and older, in 2010, separately by beverage type. Values provided are the average number of servings in three categories (beer, wine, and spirits). The data were obtained from: https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/tree/master/alcohol-consumption

Data Description

Variable Description
country Name of Country
beer_servings Number of beer servings per capita
spirit_servings Number of spirit servings per capita
wine_servings Number of wine servings per capita
alcohol_data = read.csv("data/drinks.csv")
alcohol_data = alcohol_data[, 2:5]

Data Files


We will consider modeling the average consumption of beer, wine, and spirits across countries. The goal is to find distributions that fit these data well, and to estimate the associated parameters, as well as to produce maps displaying information on alcohol consumption across countries.