
The data set consists of actual temperatures in 2014-2015 (mean, min, and max); average temperatures (min and max); and record temperatures (min and max) in Charlotte, North Carolina.


This data set comes from the Weather Underground via FiveThirtyEight’s Github page, and is discussed in a blog post: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-12-months-of-record-setting-temperatures-looks-like-across-the-u-s/

The data were obtained from: https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/tree/master/us-weather-history

Data Description

Variable Description
date Date from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015
actual_mean_temp, actual_min_temp, actual_max_temp Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit for that date
average_min_temp, average_max_temp Average min and max temperatures for that date
record_min_temp, record_max_temp Record min and max temperatures for that date
record_min_temp_year, record_max_temp_year Years in which those records occurred
weather_data = read.csv("data/KCLT.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
months = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
weather_data$month = months[as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(weather_data$date, "-"), function(x){return(x[2])})))]

Data Files


We will consider modeling the max and min temperatures in Charlotte in January and June. The goal is to find distributions that fit these variables well. The code above loads in the data and defines a new variable month.