
The data set consists of the number of 911 calls per day in Seattle in 2015.


The data were processed from the data available at: https://data.seattle.gov/Public-Safety/Seattle-Real-Time-Fire-911-Calls/kzjm-xkqj which provides Seattle Fire Department 911 dispatches and is updated every 5 minutes. The calls with a time stamp from 2015 are included in this data.

Data Description

Variable Description
day_of_the_year Day of the year from January 1 (1) to December 31 (365), 2015
number_of_calls Number of 911 calls received that day
calls_911 = read.csv("data/seattle_groupI_calls_per_day.csv")

Data Files


We will consider modeling the number of 911 calls per day. The goal is to find distributions that fit this variable well.