Spring 2018 Dalpiaz

Instead of email, consider Piazza! We’ll give this a shot this semester. Quick, non-private communication should take place there. Please do not overshare code.

So you’d like to email your instructor or course staff? Take a couple minutes to consider the following:

So you’re going to do it. You’re going to send an email. You must follow the following three rules. If you do not, your email will be considered less import than other emails which follow the rules and response time will be slower.

If your email is sent between 9:00 AM Monday and 11:59 PM Thursday, and you follow the above directions, we will try our best to respond within 24 hours. Homework questions sent the same day a homework is due will likely not receive a response before the homework is due. Plan accordingly.


If your question is technical in nature, there are several steps you can take to insure a speedy response.

First and foremost, you should ask Google before you ask the course staff. Take the error message you obtained and search it with Google. The ability to solve problems this way is an extremely value skill, possibly one of the most important you should learn (but are not taught) during your academic career. Make a legitimate effort to solve the problem on your own. You won’t always be able to, and if you can’t, send an email. (Or better yet, stop by office hours.)

If you need to ask the course staff, include the following in your email:

Course Staff Emails

Role Name Email
Instructor David Dalpiaz
