For this homework, you may only use the following packages:
# general
# specific
[6 points] For this exercise we will use data found in wisc-trn.csv
and wisc-tst.csv
which contain train and test data respectively. wisc.csv
is provided but not used. This is a modification of the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Only the first 10 feature variables have been provided. (And these are all you should use.)
You should consider coercing the response to be a factor variable.
Consider two different preprocessing setups:
For each setup, train KNN models using values of k
from 1
to 200
. Using only the variables radius
, symmetry
, and texture
. For each, calculate test classification error. Summarize these results in a single plot which plots the test error as a function of k
. (The plot will have two “curves,” one for each setup.) Your plot should be reasonably visually appealing, well-labeled, and include a legend.
# import data
wisc_trn = read.csv("wisc-trn.csv")
wisc_tst = read.csv("wisc-tst.csv")
# coerce to factor
wisc_trn$class = as.factor(wisc_trn$class)
wisc_tst$class = as.factor(wisc_tst$class)
# helper function for RMSE
calc_err = function(actual, predicted) {
mean(actual != predicted)
# define values of k to tune over
k = 1:200
# define model setups
wisc_knn_form_1 = as.formula(class ~ radius + symmetry + texture)
wisc_knn_form_2 = as.formula(class ~ scale(radius) + scale(symmetry) + scale(texture))
# fit models for each k within each setup
wisc_knn_mod_1 = lapply(k, function(x) {knn3(wisc_knn_form_1, data = wisc_trn, k = x)})
wisc_knn_mod_2 = lapply(k, function(x) {knn3(wisc_knn_form_2, data = wisc_trn, k = x)})
# get all predictions
wisc_knn_pred_1 = lapply(wisc_knn_mod_1, predict, newdata = wisc_tst, type = "class")
wisc_knn_pred_2 = lapply(wisc_knn_mod_2, predict, newdata = wisc_tst, type = "class")
# calculate test RMSE for each k for each setup
wisc_knn_err_1 = sapply(wisc_knn_pred_1, calc_err, actual = wisc_tst$class)
wisc_knn_err_2 = sapply(wisc_knn_pred_2, calc_err, actual = wisc_tst$class)
[9 points] Run a simulation study to estimate the bias, variance, and mean squared error of estimating \(p(x)\) using logistic regression. Recall that \(p(x) = P(Y = 1 \mid X = x)\).
Consider the (true) logistic regression model
\[ \log \left( \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right) = 1 + 2 x_1 - x_2 \]
To specify the full data generating process, consider the following R
make_sim_data = function(n_obs = 100) {
x1 = runif(n = n_obs, min = 0, max = 2)
x2 = runif(n = n_obs, min = 0, max = 4)
prob = exp(1 + 2 * x1 - 1 * x2) / (1 + exp(1 + 2 * x1 - 1 * x2))
y = rbinom(n = n_obs, size = 1, prob = prob)
data.frame(y, x1, x2)
So, the following generates one simulated dataset according to the data generating process defined above.
sim_data = make_sim_data()
Evaluate estimates of \(p(x_1 = 0.5, x_2 = 0.75)\) from fitting four models:
\[ \log \left( \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right) = \beta_0 \]
\[ \log \left( \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 \]
\[ \log \left( \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_1x_2 \]
\[ \log \left( \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_1^2 + \beta_4 x_2^2 + \beta_5 x_1x_2 \]
Use 2000
simulations of datasets with a sample size of 30
to estimate squared bias, variance, and the mean squared error of estimating \(p(x_1 = 0.5, x_2 = 0.75)\) using \(\hat{p}(x_1 = 0.5, x_2 = 0.75)\) for each model. Report your results using a well formatted table.
At the beginning of your simulation study, run the following code, but with your nine-digit Illinois UIN.
# setup simulation
n_sims = 2000
n_models = 4
x = data.frame(x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.75) # fixed point at which we make predictions
predictions = matrix(0, nrow = n_sims, ncol = n_models)
# perform simulations
for (sim in 1:n_sims) {
# generate datasets according to the data generating process
sim_data = make_sim_data(n_obs = 30)
# fit models
fit_1 = glm(y ~ 1, data = sim_data, family = "binomial")
fit_2 = glm(y ~ ., data = sim_data, family = "binomial")
fit_3 = glm(y ~ x1 * x2, data = sim_data, family = "binomial")
fit_4 = glm(y ~ x1 * x2 + I(x1 ^ 2) + I(x1 ^ 2), data = sim_data, family = "binomial")
# get predictions
predictions[sim, 1] = predict(fit_1, x, type = "response")
predictions[sim, 2] = predict(fit_2, x, type = "response")
predictions[sim, 3] = predict(fit_3, x, type = "response")
predictions[sim, 4] = predict(fit_4, x, type = "response")
# helper functions from R4SL
get_var = function(estimate) {
mean((estimate - mean(estimate)) ^ 2)
get_bias = function(estimate, truth) {
mean(estimate) - truth
get_mse = function(truth, estimate) {
mean((estimate - truth) ^ 2)
# true funciton p(x) as defined by data generating process
p = function(x) {
exp(1 + 2 * x1 - 1 * x2) / (1 + exp(1 + 2 * x1 - 1 * x2))
# value we are trying to estimate
p(x = x)
## [1] 0.7772999
# calculate bias, variance, and mse of predictions for each logistic regression
bias = apply(predictions, 2, get_bias, truth = p(x))
variance = apply(predictions, 2, get_var)
mse = apply(predictions, 2, get_mse, truth = p(x))
# summarize results
results = data.frame(
c("Intercept Only", "Additive", "Interaction", "Full Second Order"),
round(mse, 5),
round(bias ^ 2, 5),
round(variance, 5)
colnames(results) = c("Logistic Regression Model",
"Mean Squared Error",
"Bias Squared",
rownames(results) = NULL
Logistic Regression Model | Mean Squared Error | Bias Squared | Variance |
Intercept Only | 0.02089 | 0.01343 | 0.00746 |
Additive | 0.02481 | 0.00001 | 0.02480 |
Interaction | 0.03482 | 0.00001 | 0.03480 |
Full Second Order | 0.04362 | 0.00002 | 0.04359 |
# setup parameters
num_obs = 1000
# means
mu_1 = c(12, 8.5)
mu_2 = c(22, 10)
mu_3 = c(12, 15)
mu_4 = c(12, 20)
# sigmas
sigma_1 = matrix(c(10, -4, -4, 8), 2, 2)
sigma_2 = matrix(c(5, -3, -3, 5), 2, 2)
sigma_3 = matrix(c(8, 3, 3, 8), 2, 2)
sigma_4 = matrix(c(8, 6, 6, 8), 2, 2)
# control randomization
# make train data
hw05_trn = data.frame(
# create response
as.factor(c(rep("A", num_obs / 2), rep("B", num_obs),
rep("C", num_obs * 2), rep("D", num_obs))),
# create predictors
mvrnorm(n = num_obs / 2, mu = mu_1, Sigma = sigma_1),
mvrnorm(n = num_obs, mu = mu_2, Sigma = sigma_2),
mvrnorm(n = num_obs * 2, mu = mu_3, Sigma = sigma_3),
mvrnorm(n = num_obs, mu = mu_4, Sigma = sigma_4)
# label variables
colnames(hw05_trn) = c("y", "x1", "x2")
# make test data
hw05_tst = data.frame(
# create response
as.factor(c(rep("A", num_obs), rep("B", num_obs),
rep("C", num_obs), rep("D", num_obs))),
# create predictors
mvrnorm(n = num_obs, mu = mu_1, Sigma = sigma_1),
mvrnorm(n = num_obs, mu = mu_2, Sigma = sigma_2),
mvrnorm(n = num_obs, mu = mu_3, Sigma = sigma_3),
mvrnorm(n = num_obs, mu = mu_4, Sigma = sigma_4)
# label variables
colnames(hw05_tst) = c("y", "x1", "x2")
# write to files
readr::write_csv(hw05_trn, "hw05-trn.csv")
readr::write_csv(hw05_tst, "hw05-tst.csv")
# clear workspace
[8 points] Use the data found in hw05-trn.csv
and hw05-tst.csv
which contain train and test data respectively. Use y
as the response. Coerce y
to be a factor after importing the data if it is not already.
Create a pairs plot with ellipses for the training data, then train the following models using both available predictors:
Calculate test and train error rates for each model. Summarize these results using a single well-formatted table.
# read data
hw05_trn = read_csv("hw05-trn.csv")
hw05_tst = read_csv("hw05-tst.csv")
# coerce characters to factors
hw05_trn$y = as.factor(hw05_trn$y)
hw05_tst$y = as.factor(hw05_tst$y)
Note: when using the older read.csv()
strings are automatically imported as factors by deafult. This would seem useful here, but a terrible idea in general. It is better to import as a character, then later explicitly coerce to a factor if desired. For this reason, read_csv()
does not even provide an option to import characters as a factor. (At least not one this instructor is aware of.)
# load packages
featurePlot(x = hw05_trn[, 2:3],
y = hw05_trn$y,
plot = "density",
scales = list(x = list(relation = "free"),
y = list(relation = "free")),
adjust = 1.5,
pch = "|",
layout = c(2, 1),
auto.key = list(columns = 4))
featurePlot(x = hw05_trn[, 2:3],
y = hw05_trn$y,
plot = "ellipse",
auto.key = list(columns = 4))
# classifiers to be used
hw05_classifiers = c("Logistic", "LDA", "LDA, Flat Prior",
"QDA", "QDA, Flat Prior", "Naive Bayes")
# define flat prior
flat = c(1, 1, 1, 1) / 4
# calcualte train errors
hw05_trn_err = c(
calc_err(hw05_trn$y, predict(multinom(y ~ ., hw05_trn, trace = FALSE), hw05_trn)),
calc_err(hw05_trn$y, predict(lda(y ~ ., hw05_trn), hw05_trn)$class),
calc_err(hw05_trn$y, predict(lda(y ~ ., hw05_trn, prior = flat), hw05_trn)$class),
calc_err(hw05_trn$y, predict(qda(y ~ ., hw05_trn), hw05_trn)$class),
calc_err(hw05_trn$y, predict(qda(y ~ ., hw05_trn, prior = flat), hw05_trn)$class),
calc_err(hw05_trn$y, predict(naiveBayes(y ~ ., hw05_trn), hw05_trn))
# calcualte test errors
hw05_tst_err = c(
calc_err(hw05_tst$y, predict(multinom(y ~ ., hw05_trn, trace = FALSE), hw05_tst)),
calc_err(hw05_tst$y, predict(lda(y ~ ., hw05_trn), hw05_tst)$class),
calc_err(hw05_tst$y, predict(lda(y ~ ., hw05_trn, prior = flat), hw05_tst)$class),
calc_err(hw05_tst$y, predict(qda(y ~ ., hw05_trn), hw05_tst)$class),
calc_err(hw05_tst$y, predict(qda(y ~ ., hw05_trn, prior = flat), hw05_tst)$class),
calc_err(hw05_tst$y, predict(naiveBayes(y ~ ., data = hw05_trn), hw05_tst))
# store results in data frame
hw05_results = data.frame(
# create column titles
colnames(hw05_results) = c("Method", "Train Error", "Test Error")
# display data frame as table
Method | Train Error | Test Error |
Logistic | 0.1482222 | 0.17425 |
LDA | 0.1620000 | 0.19825 |
LDA, Flat Prior | 0.1906667 | 0.16875 |
QDA | 0.1477778 | 0.16925 |
QDA, Flat Prior | 0.1791111 | 0.14000 |
Naive Bayes | 0.1733333 | 0.20000 |
[1 point each] Answer the following questions based on your results from the previous three exercises.
(a) Based on your results in Exercise 2, which models are performing unbiased estimation?
Solution: The additive, interaction, and full second order models.
(b) Based on your results in Exercise 2, which of these models performs best?
Solution: Even though we would expect the additive model, the intercept model performs best. It was the lowest MSE for estimating the probability.
(c) In Exercise 3, which model performs best?
Solution: We see that the QDA with a Flat Prior performs the best.
(d) In Exercise 3, why does Naive Bayes perform poorly?
Solution: The plot offers intuition for QDA > LDA > NB. NB performs the worst because there is clearly significant correlation between x1
and x2
in all classes. (See the data generation code.)
(e) In Exercise 3, which performs better, LDA or QDA? Why?
Solution: Again, the plot offeres intuition. Between LDA and QDA it is clear that QDA is better as the \(\Sigma_k\) appear to be very different for different classes. (See the data generation code.)
(f) In Exercise 3, which prior performs better? Estimating from data, or using a flat prior? Why?
Solution: The flat prior. The fact that the Flat Prior works best doesn’t have any intuition here, since there is no context. It just so happens that the proportion of classes in the test data is uniform. (See the data generation code.)
# class proportions in train data
table(hw05_trn$y) / length(hw05_trn$y)
## A B C D
## 0.1111111 0.2222222 0.4444444 0.2222222
# class proportions in test data
table(hw05_tst$y) / length(hw05_tst$y)
## A B C D
## 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
(g) In Exercise 3, of the four classes, which is the easiest to classify?
Solution: Class B
. From the confusion matrix, we see that QDA with a Flat Prior is predicting best inside of class B
. It has by far the fewest results off the diagonal. This is unsurprising as we could see from the pairs plot that the B
class had the least overlap with the other classes. This is mostly due to its values of x1
# confusion matrix
table(predicted = predict(qda(y ~ ., data = hw05_trn,
prior = c(1, 1, 1, 1) / 4),
actual = hw05_tst$y)
## actual
## predicted A B C D
## A 876 6 126 6
## B 5 982 11 0
## C 104 12 701 113
## D 15 0 162 881