The notes on using KNN for Classification use the knn() function from the class package. This implementation has several disadvantages:

The last issue is a serious limitation. This makes creating a binary classifier with a cutoff other than 0.5 extremely difficult.

To fix these issues, we will use the knn3() function from the caret package. It essentially works the same way as knnreg() from caret, but performs classification instead of regression. Because it is performing classification, we need to understand how it returns predicted probabilities.


We’ll need the ISLR package for the data, and the caret package for model fitting.


Default Data

default_idx = sample(nrow(Default), 5000)
default_trn = Default[default_idx, ]
default_tst = Default[-default_idx, ]

Unlike the notes, we do not need to coerce the student variable to be a numeric 0 / 1 variable, knn3() will take care of this for us.

KNN Model

knn_mod = knn3(default ~ ., data = default_trn, k = 25)

Here we see familiar syntax, which is practically identical to that of knnreg().

## 25-nearest neighbor model
## Training set outcome distribution:
##   No  Yes 
## 4832  168

We take a quick look at how the function is preprocessing the predictor data. (It’s using one-hot encoding of the factor variable student.)

##      studentYes   balance   income
## 9149          0  650.2901 44358.65
## 9370          0 1815.1741 23648.41
## 2861          0 1035.5529 29423.23
## 8302          1  193.7198 18002.55
## 6415          0  262.7913 28974.75
## 5189          1  576.0650 13536.61

Using predict()

Calling predict on an object returned by knn3() allows for two possibilities, predicted probabilities, or classifications.

# return classifications (classifying to majority class)
head(predict(knn_mod, default_tst, type = "class"), n = 10)
##  [1] No No No No No No No No No No
## Levels: No Yes

Here we are returning classifications for the first 10 observations in the test set.

# return predicted probabilities
head(predict(knn_mod, default_tst, type = "prob"), n = 10)
##         No  Yes
##  [1,] 1.00 0.00
##  [2,] 1.00 0.00
##  [3,] 1.00 0.00
##  [4,] 1.00 0.00
##  [5,] 1.00 0.00
##  [6,] 0.88 0.12
##  [7,] 1.00 0.00
##  [8,] 1.00 0.00
##  [9,] 0.96 0.04
## [10,] 1.00 0.00

Here we are returning predicted probabilities for the first 10 observations in the test set. Notice that we obtain probabilities for both possible classes, stored in columns.

Formula Syntax

Here we utilize formula syntax for easy scaling of the numeric predictors.

knn_mod_scale = knn3(default ~ scale(income) + scale(balance) + student, 
                     data = default_trn, k = 25)
##      scale(income) scale(balance) studentYes
## 9149     0.7878907     -0.3951736          0
## 9370    -0.7638954      2.0039814          0
## 2861    -0.3311972      0.3983004          0
## 8302    -1.1869314     -1.3355103          1
## 6415    -0.3648012     -1.1932528          0
## 5189    -1.5215573     -0.5480451          1

Model Evaluation

First we obtain and store classifications for both models using the test set. (Unscaled and scaled. Both using k = 25. Note we didn’t tune k here, but we should in practice!)

tst_pred_un = predict(knn_mod, default_tst, type = "class")
tst_pred_sc = predict(knn_mod_scale, default_tst, type = "class")
calc_class_err = function(actual, predicted) {
  mean(actual != predicted)

Then we compare their classification error rates.

calc_class_err(default_tst$default, tst_pred_un)
## [1] 0.0326
calc_class_err(default_tst$default, tst_pred_sc)
## [1] 0.027

It seems that in this case, scales performs slightly better. We investigate this model further with a confusion matrix and additional metrics.

# let caret calculate evaluation metrics
sc_results = confusionMatrix(table(predicted = tst_pred_sc, 
                                   actual = default_tst$default), 
                             positive = "Yes")

Be sure to declare the “positive” class when using the confusionMatrix() function, else, you might flip sensitivity and specificity.

# confusion matrix
##          actual
## predicted   No  Yes
##       No  4819  119
##       Yes   16   46
## Accuracy 
##    0.973
## Sensitivity Specificity  Prevalence 
##   0.2787879   0.9966908   0.0330000

iris Data

KNN can also be used when the response has more than two categories.

iris_obs = nrow(iris)
iris_idx = sample(iris_obs, size = trunc(0.50 * iris_obs))
iris_trn = iris[iris_idx, ]
iris_tst = iris[-iris_idx, ]

iris_knn_mod = knn3(Species ~ ., data = iris_trn, k = 50)
head(predict(iris_knn_mod, iris_tst, type = "class"))
## [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica
head(predict(iris_knn_mod, iris_tst, type = "prob"))
##      setosa versicolor virginica
## [1,]   0.56       0.42      0.02
## [2,]   0.56       0.42      0.02
## [3,]   0.56       0.42      0.02
## [4,]   0.56       0.40      0.04
## [5,]   0.56       0.42      0.02
## [6,]   0.56       0.42      0.02

Here we see we obtain predicted probabilities for each of the three classes.